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NOTE While SABnzbd supports a number of ways to rename files, external tools (like Sonarr, Radarr, etc.) allow for much more extensive automated download management. These tools can automatically search, add and handle renaming in almost every possible way!

Overview of available Automation Extensions for SABnzbd.

Series Sorting

For SABnzbd to know a downloaded nzb is part of a series, it needs to be named in a certain way. SABnzbd requires the show name followed by the episode number and series number in the name of the nzb. It should be either in the format 1x01 (SeriesxEpisode) or S01E01 (SseriesEepisode)


Show Name - 1x01 - Episode Name.nzb
(Note: ShowName1x01.nzb will currently not work due to the support for specials (eg. Sx01))

Episode Names are special in that they only work when separated after the series/episode number with a - such as in
Show Name - 1x01 - Episode Name.nzb


Sorting is done using replaceable values such as %sn for the show name.


Meaning Pattern Result
Show Name %sn Show Name
%s.n Show.Name
%s_n Show_Name
Season Number %s 1
%0s 01
Episode Number %e 5
%0e 05
Episode Name %en Episode Name
%e.n Episode.Name
%e_n Episode_Name
File Extension %ext avi
Original File Name %fn filename
Original Job Name %dn foldername
Lower Case {TEXT} text

You can use these values to construct any type of path/filename combination, however there are some recommended presets.


1x01 Season Folder:
%sn/Season %s/%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%ext
Example: Show Name/Season 1/Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name.mkv

S01E01 Season Folder:
%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext
Example: Show Name/Season 1/Show Name - S01E05 - Episode Name.mkv

1x01 Individual Episode Folder:
%sn/%sx%0e - %en/%sn - %sx%0e - %en.%ext
Example: Show Name/1x05 - Episode Name/Show Name - 1x05 - Episode Name.mkv

S01E01 Individual Episode Folder:
%sn/S%0sE%0e - %en/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext
Example: Show Name/S01E05 - Episode Name/Show Name - S01E05 - Episode Name.mkv

Job Name as Folder Name:
Example: Job Name.mkv

If you do not wish for any renaming to be done, just do not include that part of the path, such as instead of:
%sn/Season %s/%sn - S%0sE%0e - %en.%ext
%sn/Season %s

Affected Categories
Control/Shift+Select the categories you want this sorting to be used in.

Movie Sorting

This sorting will rename large files based on the nzb name. It has support for naming files in a sequence such as CD1/CD2/CD3 A/B/C 1/2/3. Requires categories to be set-up and used.


Meaning Pattern Result
Title %title Movie Name
%.title Movie.Name
%_title Movie_Name
Year %y 2000
Extension %ext avi
Decade %decade 00
%0decade 2000
Original File Name %fn filename
Original Job Name %dn
Lower Case {TEXT} text
Part Number %1 1
Keep loose downloads in extra folders If the download file contains an extra folder (such as VIDEO_TS ect), it will not move the final download to the parent folder. If your downloaded jobs do not end up in their own folders, but dumped in a single folder, then enable this. It is basically to stop messy downloads cluttering up your folder full of downloads
Affected Categories Control/Shift+Select the categories you want this sorting to be used in.
Sort String The naming to use, and any extra folders for the sorting, see examples below.
Multi-part label If there is a sequence of files (such as CD1/CD2) what to to insert into sort string before .%ext. The default is " CD%1"(no quotes) which will add " CD1" before the extension for the first CD.


In folders:
%title (%y)/%title (%y).%ext
Example: Movie Name (2000)/Movie Name (2000) CD1.mkv

No folders:
%title (%y).%ext
Example: Movie Name (2000) CD1.mkv

Decades 1:
%0decade/%title (%y).%ext
Example: 2000/Movie Name (2000) CD1.mkv

Decades 2:
%decade/%title (%y).%ext
Example: 00/Movie Name (2000) CD1.mkv

Job Name as Folder Name:
Example: Job Name.mkv

Date Sorting

Date sorting will allow for renaming, and sorting of files that contain dates in their nzb name.


Supports the following date naming:

Eg: Show.Name.12.12.0008.HDTV-RLS.nzb


Meaning Pattern Result
Show Name %t Show Name
%.t Show.Name
%_t Show_Name
Year %y 2009
Month %m 1
%0m 01
Day of month %d 2
%0d 02
Decade %decade 00
%0decade 2000
Original File Name %fn filename
Original Job Name %dn
Lower Case {TEXT} text
Affected Categories Control/Shift+Select the categories you want this sorting to be used in.
Sort String The naming to use, and any extra folders for the sorting, see examples below.


Show Name folder:
%t/%t - %y-%0m-%0d - %desc.%ext
Example: Show Name/Show Name - 2009-01-02 - Episode Name.mkv

Year-Month folders:
%y-%0m/%t - %y-%0m-%0d - %desc.%ext
Example: 2009-01/Show Name - 2009-01-02 - Episode Name.mkv

Daily folders:
%y-%0m-%0d/%t - %y-%0m-%0d - %desc.%ext
Example: 2009-01-02/Show Name - 2009-01-02 - Episode Name.mkv

Job Name as Folder Name:
Example: Job Name.mkv