key takeaways from odl sfc mailing list

On Oxygen, it states [1]

SFC needs changes in OVS to include the Network Service Headers (NSH)
Chaining encapsulation feature. This patch has been ongoing for quite
a while, but has finally been officially merged in OVS 2.8.
OpenDaylight will be updated to use this new version of OVS in the
Fluorine release. Until then, SFC will use a branched version of OVS
based on 2.6.1, called the “Yi Yang Patch”, located here. Previous
versions of this OVS patch only supported VXLAN-GPE + NSH
encapsulation, but this version supports both ETH + NSH and VXLAN-GPE
+ ETH + NSH.

On Fluorine

Support for Network Service Headers (NSH) has been officially
implemented in the OVS 2.9 release. As a result, support for the
older, unofficial branched OVS versions has been removed, and now
only OVS 2.9 is supported.

So OVS version 2.10.1 will only work with SFC at ODL release Fluorine
or newer. are only for ovs 2.5.98

The patchset for ovs 2.6.1 is it can be built on almost any Linux distribution (kernel version >= 3.11, <= 4.8) (但是我试了 高于4.3 内核版本都不行的)

