effective c++笔记 Introduction

这是effective c++学习笔记,参考自网上翻译:

Effective c++



  1. declaration & definition
    • declaration: tells compilers about the name and type of something, but omits certain details
      extern int x;                       //  object declaration
      std::size_t numDigits(int number);  //  function declaration
      class Widget;                       //  calss declaration
      template<typename T>                //  template declaration
      class GraphNode;
    • definition: provides compilers with the details a declaration omits.

      For an object, the definition is where compilers set aside memory for the object.

      For a function or a function template, the definition provides the code body.

      For a class or a class template, the definition lists the members of the class or template.

      int x;                               //  object definition
      std::size_t numDigits(int number) {  //  function definition
        std::size_t digit = 10;
        return digit * digit;
      class Widget {                       //  class definition
      template<typename T>                 //  template definition
      class GraphNode {