problem 498 // project euler

Remainder of polynomial division

For positive integers n and m, we define two polynomials Fn(x) = xn and Gm(x) = (x-1)m.
We also define a polynomial Rn,m(x) as the remainder of the division of Fn(x) by Gm(x).
For example, R6,3(x) = 15x2 - 24x + 10.

Let C(n, m, d) be the absolute value of the coefficient of the d-th degree term of Rn,m(x).
We can verify that C(6, 3, 1) = 24 and C(100, 10, 4) = 227197811615775.

Find C(1013, 1012, 104) mod 999999937.


对于正整数n和m,我们分别定义多项式 Fn(x) = xn和Gm(x) = (x-1)m
例如,R6,3(x) = 15x2 - 24x + 10。

记C(n, m, d)是Rn,m(x)中d次项系数的绝对值。
我们可以验证C(6, 3, 1) = 24,C(100, 10, 4) = 227197811615775。

求C(1013, 1012, 104) mod 999999937。