problem 484 // project euler

Arithmetic Derivative

The arithmetic derivative is defined by

  • p’ = 1 for any prime p
  • (ab)’ = a’b + ab’ for all integers a, b (Leibniz rule)

For example, 20’ = 24.

Find ∑ gcd(k,k’) for 1 < k ≤ 5·1015.

Note: gcd(x,y) denotes the greatest common divisor of x and y.



  • 对任意素数p,p’ = 1
  • 对任意整数a和b,(ab)’ = a’b + ab’(莱布尼兹法则)

例如,20’ = 24。

对于1 < k ≤ 5·1015,求∑ gcd(k,k’)。
