two prolog solutions to tsp Held-Karp algorithm

Two Prolog solutions to TSP

I’m posting these code here because I can not find a briefer solution.

arc(a, b, 10).
arc(a, c, 2).
arc(a, d, 9).
arc(a, e, 11).
arc(b, c, 8).
arc(b, d, 12).
arc(b, e, 6).
arc(c, d, 3).
arc(c, e, 8).
arc(d, e, 9).

edge(X, Y, Weight) :- arc(X, Y, Weight) ; arc(Y, X, Weight).

path([_], 0).
path([X, Y | Tail], Cost) :-
    edge(X, Y, Cost0),
    path([Y | Tail], Cost1),
    + member(X, Tail),
    Cost is Cost0+Cost1.

hami_cycle([a | Tail], Cost) :-
    length(Tail, 4),
    edge(a, Last, Cost0),
    last(Tail, Last),
    path([a | Tail], Cost1),
    Cost is Cost0+Cost1.

min_hami_cycle(Path, Cost) :-
    hami_cycle(Path, Cost),
    + (hami_cycle(_, T), T<Cost).

Held-Karp algorithm

This following implementation is far from elegance. You can perceive a C thinking style in this code. I tried to make a better one but bogged into bugs of mystery. Hopefully I would revise this piece of code someday.

arc(a, b, 10).
arc(a, c, 2).
arc(a, d, 9).
arc(a, e, 11).
arc(b, c, 8).
arc(b, d, 12).
arc(b, e, 6).
arc(c, d, 3).
arc(c, e, 8).
arc(d, e, 9).

edge(X, Y, Weight) :- arc(X, Y, Weight) ; arc(Y, X, Weight).

path([Begin], End, [Begin], Cost) :- edge(Begin, End, Cost).
path(Visited, End, [Last | Path1], Cost) :-
    member(Last, Visited),
    delete(Visited, Last, Visited1),
    min_path(Visited1, Last, Path1, Cost1),
    edge(Last, End, Cost0),
    Cost is Cost0+Cost1.

min_path(Visited, End, Path, Cost) :-
    path(Visited, End, Path, Cost),
    + (path(Visited, End, _, T), T<Cost).

hami_cycle([a | Path], Cost) :-
    min_path([b, c, d, e], a, Path, Cost1),
    last(Path, Last),
    edge(a, Last, Cost0),
    Cost is Cost0+Cost1.

travel(Path, Cost) :-
    hami_cycle(Path, Cost),
    + (hami_cycle(_, T), T<Cost).

Created by Daniel Zhou on 07 Jan 2015, this work is licensed under the

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License
