new feeds

Use Case

Post a tweet </br>
get one’s own timeline </br>
follow/unfollow </br>
like </br>


DAU: 150M
Read Query per user per day : 60
Ave Qps: 150M 60 / 86400 = 100k
Peak: 3
100k = 300k
Read Qps: 3M
Read to Write Ratio: 10
Write Qps: 30k
Bandwidth: Write Qps content size = 30k 200B = 6M (Not a bottleneck)
Ave followers: 20
news feed: top 50

High Level Architect

Webtier -> Application Tier: user service (Login/Register, MySQL), Tweet service (Post a tweet, One’s Timeline, News Feed, Cassandra), Media Service (Upload Photo/Video, S3), Friendship Service (Follow/Unfollow, NoSQL)

Data Schema

    int user_id
    String user_name
    String password
    boolean isStar

    int owner_id
    <long timestamp, int tweet_id> (Column key)
    String content

    int from_user_id
    int to_user_id

    int user_id (Row key)
    <long timestamp, int tweet_id> (Column key)

Business Logic


  1. TweetService.getNewFeed(request)
    return NewFeedDB.getNewFeed(request.user_id)
  2. TweetService.postTweet(request)
    tweet = TweetDB.insertTweet(request.user_id, request.tweetcontent)
    return success
  3. FanoutAsyncConsumer.consume(tweet)
    friend_id_list = FriendDB.getFriendList(tweet.owner_id)
    for each friend_id in friend_id_list:
    NewfeedDB.insertTweet(friend_id, tweet)


  1. FriendService.follow(request)
    FriendDB.delete(request.from_id, request.to_id)
    FollowAsyncProvider.notify(request.from_id, request.to_id)
  2. FollowAsyncProvider.consume(request.from_id, request.to_id)
    timeline = TweetDB.getTimeLine(friend_id)
    for each tweet in timeline:
    NewFeedDB.insertTweet(request.from_id, tweet)


Step 1: Optimize by dealing with special cases and adding more features

Follow up1: when a movie star post a tweet, take multiple hours to fanout
Solution 1 (recommend): add more push servers to parallelization
Solution 2 (combine pull model, cache aside):

  1. TweetService.getNewFeed(request)
    tweet_id_list = NewFeedDB.getNewFeedList(request.user_id)
    for each friend_id in FriendDB.getFriendList(rquest.user_id):
    if UserService.isStar(friend_id):
    timeline = TweetDB.getOnesTimeline(friend_id)
  2. TweetService.postTweet(request)
    tweet = TweetDB.insertTweet(request.user_id, request.tweetcontent)
    if not UserService.isStar(request.user_id):
    return success
  3. FanoutAsyncConsumer.consume(tweet)
    friend_id_list = FriendDB.getFriendList(tweet.owner_id)
    for each friend_id in friend_id_list:
    NewfeedDB.insertTweet(friend_id, tweet)

Follow up2: majority of movie star’s followers unfollow the movie star
Solution 1: movie star is not determined by follower numbers. The configuration of a movie star is processed by hand
Solution 2: the combined pull model could deal with this problem eventually

Follow up3: like. denormalization

    int owner_id
    <long timestamp, int tweet_id> (Column key)
    String content
    int likenum
    int retweetnum
    int commentnum    

    int id
    int user_id
    int tweet_id

Step2: Maintance

Robust: replia/sharding, master/slaver

Scalability: x-scaling, cache, facebook lease get for thundering herd phenomenon (dist mutex or “never time out with passivly updaing expired value”)