coursera:machine learning by andrew ng(4) loss function back propagation build the model Predict

This blog’s aim is demo the neural network, including both the algorithm and implementation

import the necessary modules

#show the figures buildin the notebook
%matplotlib inline 
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import #Used to load the OCTAVE *.mat files
import scipy.misc #Used to show matrix as an image
from scipy import optimize
import as cm #Used to display images in a specific colormap
import random

load the data from source file

    fileName = 'ex4/data/ex4data1.mat'
    mat =

    X = mat['X']
    Y = mat['y']
    X = np.insert(X,0,1,axis=1)
    Y = Y - 1#Y[Y==10]=0   # convert 10 to 0
    print "'X' shape:%s.X[0] shape:%s" %(X.shape,X[0].shape)
    print "'y' shape:%s. Unique elements in y:%s" %(Y.shape,np.unique(Y))

The output is:

'X' shape:(5000, 401).X[0] shape:(401,)
'y' shape:(5000, 1). Unique elements in y:[0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9]


3 steps to get done

  1. reshape a sample to a 20*20 array
  2. fill the returned array to a big array
  3. visulize the big array


  • from the result image, the vetical axis is not correct
    def getDatumImg(row):
        function that is handed a single np array with shape 1*400,
        create an image from object from it, and return.
        width, height = (20,20)
        return row[1:].reshape(width, height)

    def displayData(arr=None):
        function that picks 100 samples from X to display as images.
        width, height = (20,20)
        nrows, ncols = (10,10)
        if not arr:
            arr = random.sample(xrange(X.shape[0]),nrows*ncols)

        big_picture = np.zeros((height * nrows, width * ncols))

        irow, icols = (0,0)
        for idx in arr:
            if icols==ncols:
                irow = irow+1
                icols = 0
            sample = getDatumImg(X[idx])
            big_picture[irow * height:irow*height + sample.shape[0],icols*width:icols*width + sample.shape[1]] = sample.T
            icols = icols + 1
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,8))
        img = scipy.misc.toimage(big_picture)

    print 'visualise the digit has done'


visualise the digit has done

loss function

  1. implement a loss function without penalty
  2. implement a loss function with penalty
    def sigmoid(arr, theta):
        function that sigmoid both the input samples and the parameters
        z =, theta)
        return 1.0 / (1 + np.exp(-z))

    def randInitializeWeights(input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size):
        episilon = np.sqrt(6)/np.sqrt(Lin + Lout)
        Lin = the number of input layer unit
        Lout = the number of the adjacent layer unit
        episilon = 0.12
        return np.random.rand(input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size+1) * 2.0 * episilon - episilon

    def sigmoidGradient(arr, theta):
        sig = sigmoid(arr, theta)
        return sig * ( 1 - sig)

    def reshapeParams(nn_params, input_layer_size=400, hidden_layer_size=25, num_labels=10):
        function is used to reshape the input parameter:theta with type:list as 2 arrays, return it
        print "the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:%s" % type(nn_params)
        theta1 = np.array(nn_params[:(input_layer_size+1) * hidden_layer_size]).reshape((hidden_layer_size,input_layer_size + 1))
        theta2 = np.array(nn_params[-num_labels * (hidden_layer_size+1):]).reshape((num_labels, hidden_layer_size+1))
        return (theta1, theta2)

    def formatY(Y,num_labels=10):
        result = np.zeros((Y.shape[0],num_labels))
        for idx in xrange(Y.shape[0]):
            result[idx,Y[idx,0]] = 1
        return result

    def nnCostFunction(nn_params,  X, Y, lamda=0.0,input_layer_size=400, hidden_layer_size=25,
        function to calculate the loss error of the samples
        print "the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:%s" % type(nn_params)

        theta1, theta2 = reshapeParams(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels)

        a1 = sigmoid(X, theta1.T) # m * hidden_layer_size
        a1 = np.insert(a1,0, 1, axis=1) # m * (hidden_layer_size + 1)
        #print a1[:10]
        #print "a1's shape:(%d,%d)" % a1.shape

        a2 = sigmoid(a1, theta2.T) # m * num_labels
        #print a2[:10]
        #print "a2's shape:(%d,%d)" % a2.shape

        # format Y from m * 1 to a m*num_labels array
        fY = formatY(Y,num_labels)
        #print "Y's shape:(%d,%d)" % fY.shape

        J = -(np.sum(np.log(a2[fY==1])) + np.sum(np.log(1.0 - a2[fY==0])))
        m = len(X)

        J = J/m + lamda * (np.sum(theta1**2) + np.sum(theta2**2)) /(2*m)
        print "cost value:%f" % J
        return J

    paramFile = 'ex4/data/ex4weights.mat'
    params =
    Theta1 = params['Theta1']
    Theta2 = params['Theta2']

    input_layer_size=400 # NO of features of samples
    hidden_layer_size=25 # NO of Hidden Units 
    num_labels = 10 # NO of Output Units

    #print "Theta1's shape:%s, Theta2's shape:%s" % (Theta1.shape, Theta2.shape)

    # flatten both Theta1 and Theta2 into one list
    theta = np.append(Theta1.flatten(),Theta2.flatten())
    #print type(theta)
    #print "theta size:%d" % theta.size

    #print X.dtype,Y.dtype,theta.dtype

    #theta1, theta2 = reshapeParams(theta)

    # if theta1=Theta1, theta2=Theta2, then the sum would be zero
    #print np.sum(theta1!=Theta1)
    #print np.sum(theta2!=Theta2)

    print nnCostFunction(theta,X,Y,0.0)

    print nnCostFunction(theta,X,Y,1.0)

the output is:

    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5000,26)
    a2's shape:(5000,10)
    Y's shape:(5000,10)
    cost value:0.287629
    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5000,26)
    a2's shape:(5000,10)
    Y's shape:(5000,10)
    cost value:0.384488

back propagation

    def backpropagation(nn_params,  X, Y, lamda=0.0,input_layer_size=400, hidden_layer_size=25,
        theta1, theta2 = reshapeParams(nn_params, input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size, num_labels)
        a2 = sigmoid(X, theta1.T) # m * hidden_layer_size
        a2 = np.insert(a2,0, 1, axis=1) # m * (hidden_layer_size + 1)
        a3 = sigmoid(a2, theta2.T) # m * num_labels

        # format Y from m * 1 to a m*num_labels array
        fY = formatY(Y,num_labels)

        delta3 = a3 - fY   # m * num_labels
        delta2 =, theta2[:,1:]) * sigmoidGradient(X, theta1.T)   # m * (hidden_layer_size)

        grad2 =, a2) / X.shape[0] # num_labels * (hidden_layer_size+1)
        grad2[:,1:] = grad2[:,1:] + (lamda * theta2[:,1:]/X.shape[0]) 
        grad1 =, X) / X.shape[0] # (hidden_layer_size) * (input_layer_size+1)
        grad1[:,1:] = grad1[:,1:] + (lamda * theta1[:,1:]/X.shape[0])

        return np.append(grad1.flatten(),grad2.flatten())

    def computeNumericalGradient(mytheta, X, Y, mylambda=0.0,input_layer_size=400, hidden_layer_size=25,
        mytheta is a flatten array
        print input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels
        print mytheta.shape
        ngrad = np.zeros((len(mytheta),1))
        episode = 0.0001
        for i in xrange(len(mytheta)):
            theta_plus = mytheta.copy()
            theta_plus[i]=theta_plus[i] + episode
            theta_minus = mytheta.copy()
            theta_minus[i] = theta_minus[i] - episode
            ngrad[i]=(nnCostFunction(theta_plus,  X, Y,mylambda,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels) - nnCostFunction(theta_minus, X, Y,mylambda,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels))/ (2 * episode)

        return ngrad

    def checkNNGradient(mylambda=0.0):
        input_layer_size = 3;
        hidden_layer_size = 5;
        num_labels = 3;
        m = 5;
        theta1 = randInitializeWeights(hidden_layer_size,input_layer_size);
        theta2 = randInitializeWeights(num_labels,hidden_layer_size);
        X = randInitializeWeights(m, input_layer_size - 1)
        X = np.insert(X,0,1,axis=1)
        Y = (np.arange(m) % 3).reshape(m,1)

        ngrad = computeNumericalGradient(np.append(theta1.flatten(),theta2.flatten()),X,Y,mylambda,input_layer_size,hidden_layer_size,num_labels)

        print ngrad.shape

        grad = backpropagation(np.append(theta1.flatten(),theta2.flatten()),  X, Y, mylambda,input_layer_size, hidden_layer_size,num_labels)
        print grad.shape
        #print (ngrad.flatten(),grad.flatten())
        print "%.15f" % (norm(ngrad.flatten() - grad) / norm(ngrad.flatten() + grad))

    def norm(arr):
        return np.sqrt(,arr.T))

then, the output is:

    3 5 3
    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5,6)
    a2's shape:(5,3)
    Y's shape:(5,3)
    cost value:2.088275

    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5,6)
    a2's shape:(5,3)
    Y's shape:(5,3)
    cost value:2.088260
    (38, 1)
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    3 5 3
    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5,6)
    a2's shape:(5,3)
    Y's shape:(5,3)
    cost value:2.121677
    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5,6)
    a2's shape:(5,3)
    Y's shape:(5,3)
    cost value:2.121665
    (38, 1)
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    nnCostFunction(theta,  X, Y, lamda=3.0,input_layer_size=400, hidden_layer_size=25,num_labels=10)

then the output is:

    the type of nn_params in nnCostFunction is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    the type of nn_params in reshapeParams is:<type 'numpy.ndarray'>
    a1's shape:(5000,26)
    a2's shape:(5000,10)
    Y's shape:(5000,10)
    cost value:0.578205

build the model

    init_theta1 = randInitializeWeights(25,400)
    init_theta2 = randInitializeWeights(10,25)
    init_theta = np.append(init_theta1.flatten(),init_theta2.flatten())
    print len(init_theta)==len(theta)
    res = optimize.minimize(nnCostFunction,init_theta,args=(X,Y,1.0,400,25,10),method='BFGS',


    ret_theta = res.x
    ret_theta1 = np.array(ret_theta)[:25*401].reshape(25,401)
    ret_theta2 = np.array(ret_theta)[25*401:].reshape(10,26)

    def predict(X,Y,ret_theta1, ret_theta2):
        a2 = sigmoid(X, ret_theta1.T)
        a2 = np.insert(a2,0,1,axis=1)
        a3 = sigmoid(a2, ret_theta2.T)
        ret = np.argmax(a3,axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
        ret = ret

        return np.mean(Y==ret) * 100

    print "the precision is:%f" % predict(X,Y,ret_theta1, ret_theta2)