coalesce with wrapr 1 0.31 NA 2 0.41 0.50 3 NA 0.50 more_precise_sensor cheaper_back_up_sensor measurement 1 0.31 NA 0.31 2 0.41 0.50 0.41 3 NA 0.50 0.50

coalesce is a classic useful SQL operator that picks the first non-NULL value in a sequence of values.

We thought we would share a nice version of it for picking non-NA R with convenient operator infix notation wrapr::coalesce(). Here is a short example of it in action:

A more substantial application is the following.


d <- wrapr::build_frame(
“more_precise_sensor”, “cheaper_back_up_sensor” |
0.31 , NA |
0.41 , 0.5 |
NA , 0.5 )


1 0.31 NA

2 0.41 0.50

3 NA 0.50

d$measurement <-
d$more_precise_sensor %?% d$cheaper_back_up_sensor


more_precise_sensor cheaper_back_up_sensor measurement

1 0.31 NA 0.31

2 0.41 0.50 0.41

3 NA 0.50 0.50

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