

This time I want to describe the movie in English so as to improve my poor English ability2333
The name of the movie is ‘deep in the heart’. In my opinion, the most thing people can’t totally understand is their hearts. In the beginning, a couple killed a gambler who accidentally heard their troublesome secret. The secret was the woman was pregnant, which caused the couple fall into dilemma. After killing the gambler, they attempted to run away to another town. However, everything happened in an unusual way.

In the following day morning, the village head walked pass the forest and found the body which was unfortunately burn to ash. After a series of researchs, they convinced that the identity of the body was a man who had a lame foot because they found an ID card in the remaining body. The truth was cover up because the man was not dead at all. And the village head tried to call the man but the dramatic scene took place. The man was on the mountain and the phone fell down when the phone range. Meanwhile the man also fell down the mountain in order to grab the cell phone. And he dead, he really dead.

Then after a series of stories, the gambler’s relatives borrowed the body to cheat the creditor. Although they didn’t suppose that the body was belong to the gambler.

