word tips in writing

  1. if you install mendeley and endnote in your computer, when you use endnote insert citation, you should uninstll the mendeley word-plunin first, or will result ==range== problem
  2. you should set he 宏 to sencond item to use your mathtype
  3. if you can not find endnote plun-in your word, you shoul click search in win
    icon and ==winword.exe==, open it using administrate, then load it
  4. if you can not find acrobate plun-in your word, you shoul click search in win
    icon and ==winword.exe==, open it using administrate, then load it, use the path like: ==‪C:Program Files (x86)AdobeAcrobat DCPDFMakerOfficex64PDFMOfficeAddin.dll==
  5. if you find your can not edit your formula, you can use the lasted word version, or resend one