
RGB-D datasets using microsoft kinect or similar sensors: a survey

Cai Z, Han J, Liu L, et al. RGB-D datasets using microsoft kinect or similar sensors: a survey[J]. Multimedia Tools & Applications, 2016:1-43.

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RGBD Datasets: Past, Present and Future


   author = {Michael Firman},
   title = ,
   booktitle = {CVPR Workshop on Large Scale 3D Data: Acquisition, Modelling and Analysis},
   year = {2016}

Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling

Wang A, Lu J, Wang G, et al. Multi-modal Unsupervised Feature Learning for RGB-D Scene Labeling[M]// Computer Vision – ECCV 2014. Springer International Publishing, 2014:453-467.

A benchmark for RGB-D visual odometry, 3D reconstruction and SLAM

Handa A, Whelan T, Mcdonald J, et al. A benchmark for RGB-D visual odometry, 3D reconstruction and SLAM[C]// IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation. 2014:1524-1531.

Multimodal cue integration through Hypotheses Verification for RGB-D object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation

Aldoma A, Tombari F, Prankl J, et al. Multimodal cue integration through Hypotheses Verification for RGB-D object recognition and 6DOF pose estimation[J]. 2013:2104-2111.

A benchmark for the evaluation of RGB-D SLAM systems

Sturm J, Engelhard N, Endres F, et al. A benchmark for the evaluation of RGB-D SLAM systems[C]// IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots & Systems. 2012:573-580.