
The most challenging part of this year was getting the image uploader gem CarrierWave to work. I did these steps below:

  1. Installing the gem
  2. Loading the uploader in the model
  3. Adding a column using rails g migration AddImageToProduct
  4. Run rake db:migrate
  5. Adding the new column to the “product” controller

… yet the upload still returned error!

The error was that image was “nil”, which meant that the image didn’t get uploaded, or that in the product image wasn’t attached. So I checked the schema document and realized that even though I ran db:migrate, the image was never added to the schema - not sure why though.

First, I tried to fix this with rake db:reset, which didn’t work because it takes the schema document rather than updating it. Then I used rake db:drop, rake db:create, and rake db:migrate to recreate the database, which finally worked.

I wrote a more detailed version of the above issue here.