fighting with xcode

Xcode is hard to work with, especially for those guys come from Visual Studio, IntelliJ or Eclipse. Try out the following tips to make your life happier with Xcode.

Note: If you can write an iOS app via vim, please skip this post;)

Reveal File in Project Navigator

Reveal File in Project Navigator

Copy Full File Path

Well, sometimes we need the full path to check out a file in Perforce. We can also achieve this goal by dragging the file into the terminal.
Copy Full File Path

Eliminate Trailing Spaces

For a better coding styles.
Eliminate Trailing Spaces

Replace Tabs with Spaces

Don’t let TABs ruin your life…
Replace Tabs with Spaces


Rulers for 100 characters


Alcatraz is an open-source package manager for Xcode. It let us discover and install plugins, templates and color schemes without the need for manually cloning or copying files.

Check out Alcatraz here!

To install Alcatraz:

curl -fsSL | sh

To delete Alcatraz:

rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Plug-ins/Alcatraz.xcplugin

To remove all cached data:

rm -rf ~/Library/Application Support/Alcatraz

To open Alcatraz in Xcode:

Open Alcatraz in Xcode

Highlight Selected Strings

Pick up the HighlightSelectedString plugin in Alcatraz.

Highlight Current Line

Pick up the Backlight-for-XCode plugin in Alcatraz.


Pick up the XcodeBookmark plugin in Alcatraz.