cfr(counterfactual regret minimization) algorithm 簡介



self-learning algorithm

  • learns strategy by repeatedly playing against itself
  • initialized with uniformly random
    • play every action at every decision point with equal probability
    • simulates playing games against itself
    • it gets closer and closer towards an optimal strategy: a strategy that can do no worse than tie against any opponent


  • Summing total regret for each action at each decision point
    • regret: how much better if just always played this one action at this decision, instead of mixture actions?
      • Positive regret means that we would have done better if we had taken that action more often
      • Negative regret means that we would have done better by not taking that action at all
    • After each game, it update new regret values
      • actions with probabilities proportional to their positive regret
  • Counter-intuitively, sequence of strategies does not necessarily converge to anything useful
    • in a two-player zero-sum game, if you compute the average strategy over those billions of strategies in the sequence, then that average strategy will converge towards Nash equilibrium of the game

Nash equilibrium(納許均衡)

  • It can do no worse than tie against any other strategy
  • Plays perfect defence
    • Just wins when the opponent makes mistakes
      • since attempting to find and exploit an opponent’s mistakes usually makes it possible for an even smarter opponent to exploit your new strategy
  • exploitability(利用度)
    • maximum expectation that a perfect counter-strategy could win
    • exploitability = 0 when Nash equilibrium
    • CFR can make average strategy’s exploitability converges towards zero


  • best poker programs started beating the world’s best human players in heads-up limit hold’em in 2008, even though there were still massively exploitable by this worst-case measure
  • In January 2015, we’ve essentially weakly solved the game
    • a strategy with such a low exploitability (0.000986 big blinds per game) that it would take more than a human lifetime of play
      • for anyone to have 95% statistical confidence that they were actually winning against it

Example Code

