recommended visual studio code extensions

What is Visual Studio Code aka VSCode

Microsoft clone Sublime project to create a new editor. It’s different with Visual Studio. VSCode is more simple, quickly and friendly. I love this project that supports many extensions for improving the experience.

I don’t introduce how to install VSCode and how to search extensions. I think it’s a easy job. I focus on how to use extensions and how to set up.


I’m a embedded system engineer and telecommunication engineer. I often use C/C++ to implement the ideas and do my jobs. VSCode also recommend this extension.

C++ Intellisense

I use this extensions to find the referneces in my code. It’s a powerful feature like as Source Insight.

  • How to set up the environment. Just install global.

    $ brew install global

  • How to use it. Please go to your project folder and type gtags

    $ gtags

  • Find references


Must be formated your code all the time and talk your team to use the same code style.

  • How to set up the environment. Just install install

    $ brew install astyle

  • You can try the following settings for formatting the code.

    $ astyle –style=google -s2 -S -N -L -m0 -M40 –add-braces –delete-empty-lines –convert-tabs –suffix=none

Git History and Git Blame

To use Git to manage the project that is the best way. You can try to install Git History and Git Blame that provide a simple way to check out your commits.


Nothing important. It provide VSCode to display the icons for each file.


To use CMake to compile your project that is more powerful than Makefile.