
Today, I tried some editor. In the past, I always use vim and do not like any other editors at all and have not ever tried others.

I tried Sublime Text 2, TextMate, Mou, Brackets. Each of them has its own advantages. Maybe every particular editor is prepared for special use.

For example, Mou is used for write markdown language and it is very useful to preview your document as HTML. You can edit your article and preview the HTML version at the same time.

Another example, Brackets is used for writeen HTML and CSS, you can use it to write your HTML and CSS and preview the content in Chrome at the same time. In this way, you can try some syntax very conveniently. speedcell recommend it to me. Thanks.

For SublimeText 2, we can customize it just as vim and emacs. And the most important, you needn’t learn how to get to used to it like as vim and emacs although I prefer the way to use vim.=_=

As for TextMate, it is just for Mac platform. I haven’t used it though I use Mac just for that I prefer to use MacVim.

What Emacs attracts me is those small game in Emacs written in Elisp. I am learning Common Lisp. Maybe someday I will write some small game in Emacs. 🙂

I fail in the interview last weekend again. Maybe I should think about myself and improve something.