coding theory scripts

Here are some coding theory scripts I’ve written in python for ease of learning and to handle homework tasks from the Hankerson textbook.


KBITS FUNCTION for generating all binary numbers of length n and k 1 bits.

	import itertools
	def kbits(n, k):
	    result = []
	    for bits in itertools.combinations(range(n), k):
	s = ['0'] * n
	for bit in bits:
	s[bit] = '1'
	return result


LIKE FUNCTION for finding out probability that if v is sent, w is received.
input: word sent, word received, probability of error
output: probability that the word w is received

def like(v,w,p):
exp = len(v)
if v == w is True:
print('same same haha youre lame')
summ = sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(v,w))
probs = p**(exp - summ) * (1-p)**(summ)
return round(probs, 10)

Most Likely Word Send

BEST FUNCTION for finding out best w for given V”

input format: word received, all elements of C as individual string arguments

output: best possible value of v

	def best(w,*args):
	    sume = sum(len(str(x)) for x in args)
	    listie = list()
	    for x in args:
	        summ = sum(a!=b for a,b in zip(w,x))
	    dictie = dict(zip(args,listie))
	    for i in dictie:
	        if dictie[i]  == min(dictie[i] for i in dictie):
	            closest = i
	    return dictie

Error Pattern

EP FUNCTION for finding out error pattern

input format: word received, all elements of C as individual string arguments

output: all error patterns of w

	def ep(w,*args):
	    listie = list()
	    for x in args:
	        thing = int(w,2) ^ int(x,2)
	        news = '{0:0{1}b}'.format(thing,len(w))
	    dictie = dict(zip(args,listie))
	    return listie

Incomplete Maximum Likelihood Decoder

IMLD FUNCTION for finding out the best fit v for a given w through xor’ing through all the possible words in C
input format: word received, all elements of C as individual string arguments
output: error patterns of w, closest v value, dictionary of word in C : weight of error pattern for reference

	def imld(w, *args):
	    eplist = list()
	    listie = list()
	    for x in args:
	        thing = int(w,2) ^ int(x,2)
	        news = '{0:0{1}b}'.format(thing,len(w))
	        summ = sum(a!=b for a,b in zip(w,x))
	    dictie = dict(zip(args,listie))
	    for i in dictie:
	        if dictie[i]  == min(dictie[i] for i in dictie):
	            closest = i
	    return ' '.join(eplist), closest, dictie

Reliability of MLD

REL FUNCTION for finding out probability theta p as sum of probability of v = w
input format: word sent, probability of error, set L(v)
output: theta p

	def rel(v,p,*args):
	    exp = len(v)
	    theta = 0
	    listie = list()
	    for w in args:
	        if v == w is True:
	            print('same same haha youre lame')
	            summ = sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(v,w))
	            probs = p**(exp-summ) * (1-p)**(summ)
	            theta += probs
	    return theta

Correctable Error Patterns

ERR FUNCTION for finding out all error patterns that will be corrected
input format:setC containing, all error patterns,
output: list of correctable things

	def err(a,b,*args):
	    patterns = list()
	    argu = list(args)
	    for x in args:
	        thing = int(a,2) ^ int(x,2)
	        tidy = '{0:0{1}b}'.format(thing,len(a))
	        distancea = sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(a,tidy))
	        distanceb = sum(x!=y for x,y in zip(b,tidy))
	        if distancea < distanceb:
	    return patterns