poetry recommendations


Cantos by Ezra Pound

Commentary: I have already given up trying to understand Ezra Pound, if it’s pretty it’s ok.


Six O’Clock by Trumbull Stickney
Commentary: nice image of that bourgeoisie boy casually strolling the streets in early 20th century lamenting the joys of laissez-faire capitalism and the exquisite incomprehensible incongruity of beauty in human labour that he recognizes as an observer cuz he doesn’t need to do nil work.

[[] https://www.poets.org/poetsorg/poem/i-hear-america-singing ]()


now i’m bologna by José Olivarez

Commentary: There is symmetry, mocking irony and some identity politics. The wordplay is nice and the sound is nice but I think this one needs more work in terms of spirit.

I Invite My Parents to a Dinner Party by Chen Chen

Commentary: I honestly don’t usually like this sort of poetry but I like the imagery of Home Alone and contrasting it with the everlasting presence of the Chinese family in life but I don’t like the sound of this poem and it honestly doesn’t matter because it’s very moving since I see myself doing this in like some years.