bayes theorem

In a test experiment , there are also probability to wrong . For example , it is a True event , but after test the result is negative .
From above , we can get a table named as confusion matrix .

real result >
test result
True(cancer)(1%) False(no cancer)(99%)
positive 90%(1) 5%(2)
nagative 10%(3) 95%(4)


We make use of the above example , it says that , we have a sample where the cancer people occupy 1% , and the other who is no cancer is 99% . In %1 people , there are 90% test positive suffering from cancer , but 10% are not . (so it would be something wrong in this test , but we will repect the result of experments .) In the simarly way ,there are 5% people who isn’t suffering from cancer but the test result is show that they are . Here , how we calculate the real cancer probiblity in this test , still 1% , or maybe some compound of 90% with 5% ?
From we can conclude :

  • The test result can be wrong also , we can’t only believe in test result .
  • However , We can make use of the piror knowledge about the test and combine with this test reuslt to get the best result .The piror knowledge in this example is we know 1% is suffer from cancer and the other is not .

We rewrite the table above .

real result >
test result
True(cancer)(1%) False(no cancer)(99%)
positive (have cancer) 90%(1)
TF probability:
1%*90% = 0.9%
FP prob:
99%*5% = 4.95%
negative(not have cancer) 10%(3)
TN prob:
1%*10% = 0.1%
FN prob:
99%*95% = 94.05%

(1) is called TP probability. The test result is positive and the real result is Ture .
(2) is called FP probability. The test result is negative but the real result is False .
The summary of (1) and (2) is the probability of all test positive , it is no relationship with True probability that is the prori knowledge .
And in the silmilar way with (3) , (4) .

Now we get the real cancer probability :

Insteresting , a positive mammogram only means somebody has a $15.38 %$ chance really suffer from cancer , not $90%$ , it is refute common sense . The reason is that there are also have some FP probability , a large people without cancer and misjudgement that they suffer from cancer .


we can turn the process anove into a equation ,suppose event $A$ is someone suffering from cancer before test , $1%$ , and $X$ is someone viewed as suffering from cancer after test .
The formula is :


Bayes told us that test experiment maybe wrong sometimes , we should make use of the prior belief to consider the experiment results .
