notes for re for bio


  1. Propose that current relation extraction models are lack of cross-sentence and cross-mention consideration which occured frequently.
  2. Point out old models are inefficient by independently extracting features and score each pair.
  3. Introducing BRAN which synthesize convolutions and self-attention(modified on transformer). This model can score all pairs of mentions in parallel using a bi-affine operator and have some sort of way to combine them.
  4. Their model are jointly training relation extranction and NER. It seems to bring some recall increase.

Details of the model

  • BRAN will first tokenize the text by using subword to combine words. I guest they did this because there are many “new” words in the biological articles.
  • They use multi-instance learing which will consider all pairs together by using attention
  • Joint training NER will have some increase of recall score

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