natural language processing 101 Statistical Language Models Some popular tasks in NLP Deep Learning in NLP

This is a very simple and naive introductory to summary the knowledge in natural language processing, based on my self learning.

Natural Language Processing (NLP) is an important sub category in Artificial Intelligence that enabling computers to understand and process human languages, it tries to get computers closer to a human-level understanding of language.

Some research topics in NLP

  • Information Retrieval/Extraction/Filtering
  • Machine Translation
  • Document/Topic Classification/Summarization
  • Question Answering
  • Text Mining
  • Sentiment Analysis
  • Speech Recognition
  • Machine Writing/Content Genetation

Statistical Language Models

This is to compute the probability of a sentence or sequence of words.


N-gram is a popular statistical language model.
After building a model, we usually use cross-entropy and perplexity to evaluate the model.
Lower perplexities correspond to higher likelihoods, so lower scores are better on this

A major concern in language modeling is to avoid the situation p(w) = 0, which could arise as a result of a single unseen n-gram, the solution is using smoothing methods, some smoothing methods includes:

  • Add-One(Laplace) smoothing
  • Good-Turing smoothing
  • Kneser-Ney smoothing
  • Witten-Bell smoothing

Bag of Words

A sentence/document is represented by the counts of distinct terms that occur within it. Additional information, such as word order, POS tag, semantics and syntax etc, are all discarded.

Probabilistic Graphical Models

This is an important math theory/algorithm used in NLP tasks.

  • Bayesian Network
  • Markov Network
  • Condition Random Fields
  • Hidden Markov Models
  • Estimation Maximization
  • Max Entropy

Topic Model

  • Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA): Based on probabilistic graphical models
  • LSA: Uses Singular Value Decomposition (SVD) on the Document-Term Matrix. Based on Linear Algebra
  • NMF: Non-Negative Matrix Factorization – Based on Linear Algebra

Some popular tasks in NLP

These are some tasks that may not be the solution to any particular NLP problem but are done as pre-requisites to simplify a lot of different problems in NLP. These are pretty much like reading comprehension we learn in school.

Parts of Speech Tagging

Identify Proper nouns, Common nouns, Verbs, Adjectives, Preposition etc.

Name Entity Recognition

Identify name of people, location etc.


Morphosyntactic Attributes

Deep Learning in NLP


Previously, there are some other popular distributed representation of word as vectors, like Tf-Idf.
But they are sparse and long which is not computing efficient. Word2Vec instead is a dense vector representation of words(commonly 100-500 dimensions). and it models the meaning of a word as an embedding.

But how to get the dense vectors? Singular value decomposition(Latent Semantic Analysis) can be used, but a more successful way is through neural network inspired learning strategy.

  • CBOW: Predict center/target word based on context words
  • Skip-grams: Predict context words based on center/target word.

Other vector based models include: fastText, Doc2Vec, GloVe etc.



Stay tuned…

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