
This theme uses the following options SEO options:

Keyword Metadata

Sitewide Defaults

If you set keywords via _config.yml they will be used as the default keywords for the metadata for each page.


keywords: jekyll, jekyll theme, portfolio theme, artist theme

Per Page

You can override the _config.yml defaults for any page or post by adding the following to it’s yaml frontmatter.


keywords: "different, words, than the defaults"

Description Metadata

Sitewide Defaults

If you set a description via _config.yml it will be used as the default description for the metadata for each page.


description: A witty description.

Per Page

You can override the _config.yml defaults for any page or post by adding the following to it’s yaml frontmatter.


description: "An even wittier description."

Google Analytics*

  • *Uses Javascript
  • Enable by adding the following code to your _config.yml
    google_universal_analytics: YOUR-ANALYTICS-ID
    google_universal_analytics_cookiedomain: auto
  • Replace YOUR-ANALYTICS-ID with your actual analytics ID.

Facebook Open Graph

Sitewide Defaults

Enable by filling out the following in your config.yml

facebook_locale: en_US
facebook_image: images/author.jpg 
  • facebook_app_id: Get One Here
  • facebook_locale: your locale
  • facebook_page: the link to your facebook page
  • facebook_image: the default image to use when someone shares your post/page on Facebook
    • this image should be at least 200x200 pixels

Per Page

You can set a custom opengraph metadata per page/post by adding the following to it’s yaml frontmatter:

facebook_image: /images/path-to-your-image.jpg
facebook_type: article
  • facebook_image: the path to the image you want displayed when shared on Facebook. 200x200 pixel minimum.
  • facebook_type: defaults to ‘article’

Twitter Cards

Sitewide Defaults

Fill out the following in your config.yml

twitter_user: YOUR-USER
twitter_card: true
twitter_image: images/author.jpg
  • twitter_user: Enter your username (no @ before it)
  • twitter_card: true/false
    • enables/disables twitter cards
  • twitter_image: the default image to use when someone shares your post/page on Facebook
    • this image should be at least 200x200 pixels

Per Page

You can set a custom Twitter card metadata per page/post by adding the following to it’s yaml frontmatter:

twitter_image: /images/path-to-your-image.jpg
  • twitter_image: the path to the image you want displayed when shared on Facebook. 200x200 pixel minimum.