five expressions every day (5)

1. mouthwatering

Source: My mouth is watering already. [Open Languages episode March 23]
Definition: food that is mouth-watering looks or smells extremely good
eg. …more than 150 mouthwatering recipes.

2. dig in / dig into

Definition: If someone digs in, or digs into some food, they start eating eagerly. If you tell someone to dig in, you are inviting them to start eating, and encouraging them to eat as much as they want. [Open Languages episode March 23]
eg. Let’s dig in! / Pull up a chair and dig in! / dig into her oatmeal

3. a bite

Source: A bite of China 舌尖上的中国
eg. She took a bite of doughnut, and chewed it slowly.

4. handful

Source: Rachel: All right. Okay Chandler, enjoy your handful. [Friends S06E01, when Rachel was arranging a bouquet of flowers.]
Definition: If you say that someone, especially a child, is a handful, you mean that they are difficult to control. [Informal]
eg. She’s a lovely child, but she can be a bit of a handful sometimes.

5. grant

Source: Ross: And as my wife I think you should grant me this favor. [Friends S06E01, when Ross was asking Rachel to keep the marriage.]
Definition: to give someone something or allow them to have something that they have asked for
eg. grant sb. request/wish/permission/license