five expressions every day (4)

1. meet your match

Source: Phoebe: Uh-huh. You’ve met your match Rachel Green. [Friends S06E07, when Rachel and Phoebe had a quarrel over answering machine message.]
Definition: to be in a situation in which your opponent is as good as you or better; 棋逢对手

2. I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open.

Source: Chandler: (not amused) And I just realized I can sleep with my eyes open. [Friends S06E07, when Ross was talking the future of computers theoretically.]
Definition: Use when you feel the other’s talking quite boring. 当觉得对方讲话很无聊时,一种幽默的表达。

3. bump into someone

Source: Chandler: Remember when you were going out with that girl Donna and you guys broke up. Remember how horrible it was when you guys bumped into each other at the supermarket? [Friends S06E04, when Chandler was persuading Joey not to ask Janine out.]
Definition: to meet someone by chance. (in this sentence)

4. flirt

Source: Joey gets a beautiful new roommate (Janine) and struggles to avoid flirting with her. [Friends S06E07]
v.: to behave towards someone in a way that shows that you are sexually attracted to them, although you do not really want a relationship with them
n.: someone who flirts with people
eg. Someone who is a flirt likes to flirt a lot.

5. close quarters

Source: Monica: Yeah and you better watch the flirting too, cause you know, in such close quarters, it could be trouble. [Friends S06E07, when Monica was persuading Joey not to ask Janine out.]
Definition: 狭窄拥挤处;肉搏战; 近距离;