line artist

If you want to do the test of our model, it will cost about 10 minutes using GPU. Unfortunately, we are not able to support an online GPU. Also, we think it is not a good experience for you to wait for a long time on the website to get the result.

In addition, because we lost our trained model and it is time limited before we build this website so that we have not enough time to train this model.

So we publish our code on ++Github++. There are two kinds of code. Line-Artist-Code is the one without training. You can train this model by yourself using this code. Line-Artist-Code-Trained contains our trained model and you can use this code to do the test or as a pretrained model for your work.


It is a pity that we are not able to support an end-to-end model. So you need use the three models dividually.

SIE model

This model acts as the roll of generating training data for the later two models.

To do the smoothing, run smoothing.m in /Line-Artist-Code/SIE/

To generate sketch from a smoothed image, run sketching.m in /Line-Artist-Code/SIE/. Parameters’ meanings are shown in /Line-Artist-Code/SIE/PencilDrawing.m. You can change the pencil sample in /Line-Artist-Code/SIE/pencils/.

After running these two matlab code, you can get the sketches of training dataset.

DIS model

This model changes sketches into reality images. Just run in /Line-Artist-Code/DIS/ to train this model and run in the same directory to test if you have trained a suitable model.

AWAST model

Just run in /Line-Artist-Code/AWAST/ to generate your styled images.


We will publish the trained model in the near future.