c++ reinterpret_cast

reinterpret_cast 运算符是用来处理无关类型之间的转换。


参见以下的 google breakpad 的相关代码

typedef void* BREAKPAD_HANDLE;

extern "C" BREAKPAD_HANDLE initialize_breakpad(char const* dump_path)
    google_breakpad::MinidumpDescriptor descriptor(dump_path);
    auto handler = new google_breakpad::ExceptionHandler(
        nullptr, // Callback before starting the minidump.
        dump_callback, // Callback after writing the minidump.
        nullptr, // Callback context.
        true, // Write a minidump for any unhandled exception.
        -1); // Write minidumps in-process, for simplicity.
    return reinterpret_cast<BREAKPAD_HANDLE>(handler);