how to write blog with org-mode in emacs ?


install and config "org-octopress"

org-octopress is a necessary and useful package,which helps us write blogs in emacs with org-mode.It is very easy to install this
package in your emacs:

  1. M-x
  2. package-install
  3. Enter
  4. org-octopress
  5. Enter

emmm,just wait for a while.The installation will be finished soon.

(require 'org-octopress)
(setq org-octopress-directory-top       "~/blog/source")
(setq org-octopress-directory-posts     "~/blog/source/_posts")
(setq org-octopress-directory-org-top   "~/blog/source")
(setq org-octopress-directory-org-posts "~/blog/source/blog")
(setq org-octopress-setup-file          "~/blog/")

then you should add codes above to your config file such as .emacs or the directory is showed,"blog" is my folder containing
the blogs,so just replace it with yours.


how to remove the bothering "table of contents" and line numbers?

(setq org-export-with-toc nil)
(setq org-export-with-section-numbers nil)