is religion the end of science?




现代科学的世界图景(Weltbild) 产生于中世纪基督教神学的尸体之上。中世纪神学认为世界有其固定的秩序,这个秩序是由神带来,而我们日常生活中的存在都可以一一对应在神所创造的秩序中。

For the Middle Ages, in contrast, that which is, is the ens creatum, that which is created by the personal Creator-God as the highest cause. To be in being means to belong within a specific rank of the order of what has been created – a rank appointed from beginning – and as thus caused, to correspond to the cause of creation. (analogia entis) (130, QCT)


The highest knowledge and teaching is theology as the interpretation of the divine word of revelation, which is set down in Scripture and proclaimed by the Church. Here, to know is not to search out; rather it is to understand rightly the authoritative Word and the authorities proclaiming it. There­fore, the discussion of the words and doctrinal opinions of the various authorities takes precedence in the acquiring of knowledge in the Middle Ages. (122, QCT)


现代科学的世界图景的重要性在于,人类第一次有了自己的观点,而不仅仅依附于神学的参照系。神学的终结是系统性的,我们“失去了诸神”。正如尼采所说,“上帝已死”。神学的终结并不是宗教活动 (religiosity) 的终结。神学的终结在于,广义的宗教,包括基督教本身,必然会在现代化的过程(将其自身转化为一种世界图景[Weltbild]的过程)中丧失其对神的存在和神话迷思所断言的确定性。在这个意义上,我们真正成为我们世界秩序的创造者。诸神已死,凶手正是我们自己,而人的存在正是因此被解放,我们从此进入科学的时代。


Works Cited:

The Questions Concerning Technology (QCT). Heidegger, Martin. Electronic source.