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:eyes: My first MeetUp with St. Louis Machine Learning & Data Science Group


  1. what is data science? Overlapping of three components
    • staticstics
    • hacking and coding
    • expertise(marketing)
  2. Pretty good free online course:
    Taught by Jeremy Howard
    Link Here

  3. an open source project: LIME - local interpretable model-agnostic explanations.
    • aim at explaining the predictions of any classifiers in the paper

:eyes: MIT Technology Review Reading

  1. There is a trend that asian countries adopt or plan to adopt more industrial-robots

  2. Companies are trying to replace WiFi with 5G cellular networks for better latency, wider ranges, agile mobility, and flexible programmability. Harbor Research, predict that the IoT market will grow approximately 30% a year through 2028, when it will generate $356 billion.

  3. A startup named Lightelligence whsoe CEO is a phd student, YichenShen, is developing a optical chip for deep learning.
    一个理论:In theory, transferring information at the speed of light means such as device could let AI algorithms run hundreds of times faster than today’s best AI chips.

  4. In the north of America, people say “you guys”; in the south, say “y’all”. This kind of
    linguistic difference may be explained by self-organization in physics.

  5. There are four billion people who lack an address. Machine learn could help that.
    For example, deep learning algorihtms help analyze teh density and shape of road in a community.

  6. 3D printing can produce the wedding stuff: headband, necklace, and even bouquet. The technology
    is not new but the technical and cost-friendly idea is innovative.

:eyes: 自学总结 self-study summary

  1. morfan python scrapying 基础爬虫教程完成