coding manual for java

First of all, I have learning Coding Rule of Alibaba Group, so I write this blog to learn it again.

1 Naming

  1. Name in code can not be starting or ending with _ or $
    name/ __name / $name / name / name$ / name__

  2. Name must be in English
    alibaba / google /apple
    guge / pingguo

  3. Name of Class must use UpperCamelCase style except DO / BO / DTO /VO and so on.
    UserDO / TcpUdpDeal
    userDO / tcpudpdeala

  4. Name of function, parameter, class variable and local variable must use lowerCamelCase styple.

  5. Name of Const variables need to be writed as upperclass and words are spletted by “_”. You’d better let the name to be easy to understand and not to be too long.

  6. Name of abstract class need to start with Abstract or Base; Name of exception class neet to be end with Exception; Name of test class need to be end with Test

  7. Type and [] need to stay close to difine a array
    int[] arrayDemo
    int arrayDemop[]