cs-retrospect了解一件事,首先:properties of a true high-level languagedesign principle properties of a true high-level language design principle

  • why
  • what
  • how

properties of a true high-level language

  • Elegance: there is a simple, easily understood relationship between
    the notation used by a high-level language and the concepts
  • Abstraction: each expression in a high-level language describes one
    and only one concept. Concepts may be described independently and
    combined freely.
  • Power: with a high-level language, any precise and complete
    description of the desired behavior of a program may be expressed
    straightforwardly in that language.

design principle

  • SoC: separation of concerns :: mudularity
  • abstract

  • indirection
    > All problems in computer science can be solved by another level of indirection, except for the problem of too many layers of indirection.


  • cache
    • cache,
    • 内存页
    • DNS缓存,
  • concurrent