hexo – add site map Sitemap Creation Submit Sitemap to Google

Float up to the top in Google search! Yes, only Google not Baidu the second largest search engine in the world.

Day 7 with Hexo, another task done.

Goal: add sitemap for search engines

Why: I just realized today, to let search engines, like Google, to find your blog, you need to create a sitemap.

Lan’s Complain: I failed to add my sitemap to dear Baidu.com (Chinese alternative to Google). I don’t have a Baidu account and it requires Chinese phone number for registration. This is one of the hundreds trails failed during this Hexo development project. How difficult to be a Chinese aboard?! I don’t mention the time wasted try different plugins and services.

Sitemap Creation

This is the easy part. The time consuming part will follow in the next section.

Step 1: install the plug-in

npm install hexo-generator-sitemap --save

Step 2: setup sitemap in blog _conf.yml. Add the following:

path: sitemap.xml

Step 3: generation

hexo g

Step 4: check public folder and you should see sitemap.xml

Submit Sitemap to Google

Go to Google Search Console and login with your Google account.

Step 1: Add Property

Step 2: Verification File

Lan: here I chose HTML Tag

Step 3: Add Verification Code

Go to theme_namelayout_partialheadhead.swig and add the HTML tag:

Step 4: Deploy your Hexo blog and Google Search Console will show

Step 5: Submit sitemap

Step 6: Click URL inspection. Important: Wait Patiently!

Lan: It took me approximately 1 hour until I saw the following picture. I did lots of research to figure out why I encountered nth failure today during this very long hour…instead I suggest you just relax and maybe go to bed. Miracle will happen tomorrow morning when you get up fresh.

Step 7: You are on Google finally! Let me celebrate my 8th Day with Hexo…