RecentHandouts/slidesUpcoming presentations Handouts/slides Upcoming presentations


  • 2019, Nov. M-zi ‘not know’ in Cantonese as an epistemic marker, presented at CUSP-12, USC.
  • 2019, Nov. Verb doubling and Cyclic Linearization, presented at Syntax+, USC.
  • 2019, Aug. Quantifier-Raising a head, presented at GLOW-in-Asia XII in Seoul and SICOGG XXI, Dongguk University.
  • 2019, May. Strength in possibility modals: From weak necessity to strong possibility, presented at IACL-27, Kobe City University of Foreign Studies.

  • Upcoming presentations

  • 2020, Mar 6-8. Verb doubling and Cyclic Linearization, at WCCFL-38, UBC.
  • 2020, Mar 6-8. Raising, phase unlocked, at WCCFL-38, UBC. [Joint work with Ka Fai Yip]
  • 2020, Apr 19. M-zi ‘not-know’ in Cantonese as an epistemic marker, at WICL-5, The Ohio State University.
  • 2020, Apr 19. Zero-coded passives in Cantonese, at WICL-5, The Ohio State University. [Joint work with Sheila Shu-Laam Chan and Ka Fai Yip]
  • 2020, Apr 24-26. Strength in deontic modals as acceptability and optimality, at NACCL-32, UConn.
  • 2020, Apr 24-26. Generalized Scope Economy, at NACCL-32, UConn. [Joint work with Ka Fai Yip]