HTML syntax 정리


HTML 5 Resources

Basic Page Structure

    • <!doctype html>
  • document head
    • : 다큐먼트의 메타데이터 컬렉션을 표현

      • title
      • base
      • link
      • meta
      • style
      • and interactions of styling and scripting
  • document body
    • : 다큐먼트의 컨텐트를 표현

      • Content model : Flow에 해당
  • Sections
      • The article element represents a complete, or self-contained, composition in a document, page, application, or site. This could be a magazine, newspaper, technical or scholarly article, an essay or report, a blog or other social media post.
  • content model
    • defines the type of content expected inside an element and control syntax rules such as element nesting
    • block level & inline level
    • Flow, interactive , phrasing , embedded, metadata, sectioning , heading