新概念每日一课 018

Lesson 21 William S. Hart and the early ‘Western’ film


  • appear (L. 2) verb intransitive, take part in a film/movie, play, television programme, etc. 出演。

  • frame (L. 4) verb, [usually passive] frame somebody (for something) produce false evidence against an innocent person so that people think he or she is guilty. 构陷。


  • experience (L. 8) noun, [countable] an event or activity that affects you in some way. 经历。

  • encroach (L. 10) verb intransitive, (formal) encroach (on/upon something) slowly begin to cover more and more of an area. 蚕食。


  • bewilder (L. 11) verb, [usually passive] bewilder somebody confuse somebody. 令人困惑。

  • unhorse (L. 12) verb, knock or throw from a horse. 击落马背。

  • taboo (L. 12) noun, a cultural or religious custom that does not allow people to do, use or talk about a particular thing as people find it offensive or embarrassing. 忌讳。

  • impending (L. 18) adjective, (only before noun) (usually of an unpleasant event) that is going to happen very soon. 措手不及的。

  • immolation (L. 18) noun uncountable, (formal) the act of killing somebody by burning them, usually in a formal ceremony. 燔祭。


  • William S. Hart was, perhaps, the greatest of all Western stars, for unlike Gary Cooper and John Wayne he appeared in nothing but Westerns. (LL. 1 – 2)

    for, conjunction, (old-fashioned or literary) used to introduce the reason for something mentioned in the previous statement. ‘因 …’。

  • Men accustomed to struggling for survival against the elements … (L. 11)


    the elements, the weather, especially bad weather. 凄风苦雨。

  • … we all want a code to live by. (LL. 18 – 19)

    live by, follow a particular belief or set of principles. 信奉。


课文选自 Virtue and a Fast Gun 一文,刊登在1965年10月10日的 The ObserverThe Observer 是1791年12月4日创刊的英国周报(每周日发行), 1993年被《卫报》the Guardian 的母公司 Guardian Media Group Limited 收购。这份报纸命途多舛,几经转卖,报风一变再变。


Carl Foreman (23 July 1914 – 26 June 1984),米国剧作家,制片人,荷里活名片《桂河大桥》The Bridge on the River Kwai 剧本作者。二十世纪三十年代曾加入米国共产党。

他对英国电影业影响深远。1965 – 1971年,任英国电影协会董事 (British Film Institute)。1998 – 2009, 英国电影学院奖(British Academy Film Award) 有一个奖以他的名字命名, the Carl Foreman Award for the Most Promising Newcomer。


William S. Hart,全名 William Surrey Hart (6 December 1864 – 23 June 1946),米国默片演员,剧作家,导演,制片人,二十世纪一二十年代称霸影坛,一时无两。他生于米国纽约州橙县(Orange County)Newburgh 镇,位于纽约市以北65英里左右。

Gary Cooper,原名 Frank James Cooper (7 May 1901 – 13 May 1961),生于米国 Montana 州 Helena,高中时曾辍学在自家农场当过一年牛仔。从1925年到1960年,主演84部电影,是默片时代过渡到荷里活黄金时代的一代米国偶像。Carl Foreman 为其主演的名片 High Noon (1952) 编剧。

John Wayne,原名 Marion Mitchell Morrison (26 May 1907 – 11 June 1979),生于米国 Iowa 州 Winterset,长于南加州。一生出演过一百多部影片,83部为西部片。Carl Foreman 为其提供 Dakota (1945) 一片原创故事。