frequently asked questions

Why T.I.n.Y?

T.I.n.Y is the short form of Talent In You. We wish to explore the talent of all TINYers.

Does TINY only need actors?

No. Drama production process actually needs people have various capabilities. You would definitely find your place in TINY if you have any of the talents or want to train your abilities below. Scriptwriting, directing, movie-editing, marketing, networking, event-organizing, music, web-management and design, photography and photoshop.

Does TINY only recruit students from China?

No. We recruit students of all nationalities and races. However, as the primary language we speak is Chinese, we do expect our members to have a certain level of proficiency in spoken Chinese.

Can I come to the events if I’m not a member yet?

Yes. You can sign up for our workshops or other social activities as participants when there are open spots. However, non-members would not be able to join our production team.

How much of a time commitment is T.I.n.Y?

Time commitment various from person to person. For actors and directors of a production, time commitment would be around four hours per week. How much you gain from TINY depends on how much you commit yourself to TINY.