


Note:nz-button is Directive, it accepts all props which native button support.

To get a customized button, just set nzType/nzShape/nzSize/nzLoading/disabled.

Property Description Type Default Global Config
[nzGhost] make background transparent and invert text and border colors boolean false
[nzLoading] set the loading status of button boolean false
[nzShape] can be set to circleround or omitted 'circle'|'round' -
[nzSize] can be set to smalllarge or omitted 'large'|'small'|'default' 'default'
[nzType] can be set to primarydasheddanger or omitted (meaning default) 'primary'|'dashed'|'danger'|'default'|'link' 'default'
[nzBlock] option to fit button width to its parent width boolean false