


Property Description Type Default
[nzSeparator] Custom separator string | TemplateRef<void> '/'
[nzAutoGenerate] Auto generate breadcrumb boolean false
[nzRouteLabel] Name of property that determines displayed text in routing config. It should be used when nzAutoGenerate is true string 'breadcrumb'

Using [nzAutoGenerate] by configuring data like this:

  path: '/path',
  component: SomeComponent,
  data: {
    breadcrumb: 'Display Name'

For lazy loading moduels, you should write data in parent module like this:

  path: 'first',
  loadChildren: './first/first.module#FirstModule',
  data: {
    breadcrumb: 'First'

use nzRouteLabel to custom data breadcrumb label:

<nz-breadcrumb [nzAutoGenerate]="true" [nzRouteLabel]="'customBreadcrumb'"></nz-breadcrumb>
  path: 'path',
  component: SomeComponent,
  data: {
    customBreadcrumb: 'Display Name'