


Property Description Type Default
[nzDropdownMenu] Dropdown menu NzDropdownMenuComponent -
[nzDisabled] whether the dropdown menu is disabled boolean -
[nzPlacement] placement of pop menu 'bottomLeft' | 'bottomCenter' | 'bottomRight' | 'topLeft' | 'topCenter' | 'topRight' 'bottomLeft'
[nzTrigger] the trigger mode which executes the drop-down action 'click' | 'hover' 'hover'
[nzClickHide] whether hide menu when click boolean true
[nzVisible] whether the dropdown menu is visible, double binding boolean -
[nzBackdrop] whether the dropdown has a backdrop when nzTrigger is click boolean true
[nzOverlayClassName] Class name of the dropdown root element string -
[nzOverlayStyle] Style of the dropdown root element object -
(nzVisibleChange) a callback function takes an argument: nzVisible, is executed when the visible state is changed EventEmitter<boolean> -

You should use nz-menu in nz-dropdown. The menu items and dividers are also available by using nz-menu-item and nz-menu-divider.

nz-menu of nz-dropdown is unselectable by default, you can make it selectable via <ul nz-menu nzSelectable>.


Wrap Dropdown Menu and pass to [nz-dropdown]NzContextMenuService, you can export it via Template Syntax nzDropdownMenu

Note:Every [nz-dropdown] should pass independent nz-dropdown-menu.

<a nz-dropdown [nzDropdownMenu]="menu">Hover me</a>
<nz-dropdown-menu #menu="nzDropdownMenu">
  <ul nz-menu>
    <li nz-menu-item>1st menu item</li>
    <li nz-menu-item>2nd menu item</li>
    <li nz-menu-item>3rd menu item</li>


Create dropdown with contextmenu, the detail can be found in the example above

Property Description Arguments Return Value
create create dropdown ($event:MouseEvent, menu:NzDropdownMenuComponent) -
close close dropdown - -