

[nz-radio] | [nz-radio-button]#

Property Description Type Default
[nzAutoFocus] get focus when component mounted boolean false
[nzDisabled] Disable radio boolean false
[ngModel] Specifies whether the radio is selected, double binding boolean false
[nzValue] use with nz-radio-group string -
(ngModelChange) The callback function that is triggered when the state changes. EventEmitter<boolean> -


radio group,wrap a group of nz-radio

Property Description Type Default
[ngModel] current selected nz-radio value, double binding string -
[nzName] The name property of all input[type="radio"] children string -
[nzDisabled] Disable all radio buttons boolean false
[nzSize] Size, only on radio style 'large' | 'small' | 'default' 'default'
(ngModelChange) the callback function when current selected nz-radio value change EventEmitter<string> -
[nzButtonStyle] style type of radio button 'outline' | 'solid' 'outline'



you can get NzRadioComponent via ViewChild

Name Description
blur() remove focus
focus() get focus