


Property Description Type Default
[nzNotFoundImage] Customize image. Will tread as image url when string provided string | TemplateRef<void> -
[nzNotFoundContent] Custom description string | TemplateRef<void> -
[nzNotFoundFooter] Custom Footer string | TemplateRef<void> -


The nzEmpty interface has properties as follows:

Properties Description Type
nzDefaultEmptyContent User default empty component. You can restore the system default empty content by providing undefined Type<any>|TemplateRef<string>|string|undefined


Token Description Parameters
NZ_DEFAULT_EMPTY_CONTENT To provide a user default empty component Component | string
NZ_EMPTY_COMPONENT_NAME Would be injected to NZ_DEFAULT_EMPTY_CONTENT, telling that component its parent component's name string

Global Customizable Empty Content#

You may notice or used some inputs like nzNotFoundContent in some components. Now they would use Empty component. So you can provide nzDefaultEmptyContent to customize them.