sublime text 快捷键



[info] Edit

cmd + [ | Left Indent
cmd + ] | Right Indent
cmd + ctrl + up | Swap line up
cmd + ctrl + down | swap line down
cmd + shift + d | Duplicate line
cmd + J | Jone Lines.
cmd + Left | Beginning Of Line
cmd + Right | End of Line
cmd + ctrl + / | Toggle comment block
ctrl + K | Delete To End.
ctrl + shift + K | Delete Line
ctrl + T | swap words.
cmd + shift + Enter | Insert line before
cmd + Enter | insert line after
cmd + option + T | Special characters
ctrl + D | delete word after


[danger] Selection

cmd + D | Expand selection to words.
ctrl + cmd + G | Expand all selection to words
cmd + L | expand selection to line
Esc | Single selection , cancle multiple selection.
ctrl + shift + up | add previous line
ctrl + shift + down | add next line.
cmd + shift + L | 将选中的区域分割成多行选中状态(多光标操作状态)|Split into lines
option + mouse | 多重光标选中
cmd + shift + J | 已缩进层级为依据,一层层向外选中|Expand selection to indentation.
ctrl + shift + M 将匹配括号中的内容选中|。


[warning] Find

cmd + F | find
cmd + G | find next
cmd + shift + F | find in files
cmd + shift + E | 缓存用于替换的内容,方便之后的替换
cmd + E | 缓存用于查找的内容,方便之后的查找。
cmd + option + E | replace Next

Go To

[success] Go To

cmd + P | go to Anything
cmd + R | go to Symbol
cmd + G | Go to line.
ctrl + M | jump to matching bracket()
cmd + F2 | Toggle bookmark
F2. | Jump to Next bookmark.
cmd + shift + F2 | clear all bookmarks.
cmd + option + right | Next File