equational reasoningequational reasoning Logical Equivalence

The main question is, how do we define two programs are equal, and how do we prove it.

So for setup we have type $int$, and $k$ which is a $int$, and $e_1+e_2$.

We say that 2 programs are equal $iff$ you can’t tell them apart, which means:

  • For 2 closed programs of type $int$, $eequiv e’ iff exists k$ such that .
    This is called Kleeve equivalence.
  • For ,
    were $P$ is a program context, defined as an expression: , where
    $o$ can said as a “hole”, and $P[e]$ means $[e/o]P$. For example, in $2+(o+1)$, $o$ is type $int$;
    in $2+(o7+1)$, $o$ is type $intrightarrow int$. To rephrase the rule, it means that
    two programs are equal if we plug them in a larger program $P$, we get the same result.
    This is called observational equivalence.

Observational equivalence is characterized by a universal property:

  • Observatinoal equivalence is the coarsest consistent congruence.

Consistent: is consistent $iff esim_{int}e’$ implies .
In other words, it means it implies $equiv$ at $int$.

Congruence: if , then for any
context, where context is .

Coarsest: if by any consistent congruence, then


  • Consistent

We want to show , which is obvious by the definition
of $=^{obs}$, just take $P$ to be $o$ itself. (identity)

  • Congruence

We want to show .
means .
means .
We take $P$ to be $P’[C/o]$, so $P[e]$ is just $P’[C[e]]$ (composition)

  • Coarsest

By congruence, we have .

By consistency, we have . So we are done.

So we proved the properties of observational equivalence, by how do we prove
observational equivalence itself in the first place? Afterall, we need to
show the rule holds for all contexts. The idea is to cutdown contexts that
you need to consider using types. We need to introduce a new notion below
to do that, so that we have a rule:

Logical Equivalence

It is equivalence defined by logical relations.


Proof :

From left to right should be easier because we are coming from $forall$ to $int$
and $tau_1rightarrow tau_2$, so we are not gonna do it here.

From right to left:

Because observational equivalence is the coarsest consistent congruence, so we
only need to show logical equivalence is a consistent congruence. Consistency
comes for free, so we only need congruence.

We want to proof: . We need a generalized version of $Thm(v3)$ from

Foundamental Theorm of Logical Relations

Closure under Converse Evalutaion


where is the transition in dynamics from

Then we can proof it by the above therom and lemma, we will just skip it here 😉

Relationship to Hereditary Termination