asoc machine driver

ASoc machine driver

ASoC machine driver 将所有的componentdriver联系起来。

struct snd_soc_card {
	char *name;


	int (*probe)(struct platform_device *pdev);
	int (*remove)(struct platform_device *pdev);

	/* the pre and post PM functions are used to do any PM work before and
	 * after the codec and DAIs do any PM work. */
	int (*suspend_pre)(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state);
	int (*suspend_post)(struct platform_device *pdev, pm_message_t state);
	int (*resume_pre)(struct platform_device *pdev);
	int (*resume_post)(struct platform_device *pdev);


	/* CPU <--> Codec DAI links  */
	struct snd_soc_dai_link *dai_link;
	int num_links;


Machine DAI Configuration

Machine DAI配置将CPU DAI和codec结合在一起。 struct snd_soc_dai_link用来设置machine中的每个DAI。

Machine Controls

Machine specific audio mixer controls可以在DAI的init函数总体按键。