how to make github pages

####Install Ruby
Generally speaking, the Mac OS will have installed Ruby by default.
To check, open Terminal and run command ‘ruby –version’

####Install Bundler

$ gem install bundler

####Install Jekyll
Create a file in repository called ‘Gemfile’ and add gem ‘github-pages’.

Before run the next line, check whether you have installed ‘xcode-select’ or not.
If not, please install The command line tool for Xcode first by run

$ xcode-select --install


$ bundle install

####Run Jekyll
Run ‘bundle exec jekyll serve’ in Terminal
Now, you can try to open http://localhost:4000/index.html to see your Github page.

####Choose Theme
See here:

Jekyll Theme

Fork the theme you like, unzip it and copy them to your repository folder.


  1. 一步步在GitHub上创建博客主页

  2. Using Jekyll with Pages

  3. 用Github Pages建独立博客

  4. 如何搭建一个独立博客——简明Github Pages与Hexo教程