mesh saliency computation

Mesh Saliency

github link: code

paper link: paper

To run this code, we need two other libs:

To use this package, just download it and add them to the path is ok.

However, there are some error in the compute_curvature.m file, we should modify this file as:

function [Umin,Umax,Cmin,Cmax,Cmean,Cgauss,Normal] = compute_curvature(vertex,face,options)

% compute_curvature - compute principal curvature directions and values
%   [Umin,Umax,Cmin,Cmax,Cmean,Cgauss,Normal] = compute_curvature(vertex,face,options);
%   Umin is the direction of minimum curvature
%   Umax is the direction of maximum curvature
%   Cmin is the minimum curvature
%   Cmax is the maximum curvature
%   Cmean=(Cmin+Cmax)/2
%   Cgauss=Cmin*Cmax
%   Normal is the normal to the surface
%   options.curvature_smoothing controls the size of the ring used for
%       averaging the curvature tensor.
%   The algorithm is detailed in 
%       David Cohen-Steiner and Jean-Marie Morvan. 
%       Restricted Delaunay triangulations and normal cycle. 
%       In Proc. 19th Annual ACM Symposium on Computational Geometry, 
%       pages 237-246, 2003. 
%   and also in
%       Pierre Alliez, David Cohen-Steiner, Olivier Devillers, Bruno Le�vy, and Mathieu Desbrun. 
%       Anisotropic Polygonal Remeshing. 
%       ACM Transactions on Graphics, 2003. 
%       Note: SIGGRAPH '2003 Conference Proceedings
%   Copyright (c) 2007 Gabriel Peyre

orient = 1;

options.null = 0;
naver = getoptions(options, 'curvature_smoothing', 3);
verb = getoptions(options, 'verb', 1);

[vertex,face] = check_face_vertex(vertex,face);

n = size(vertex,2);
m = size(face,2);

% associate each edge to a pair of faces
A = -triangulation2adjacency(face);

i = [face(1,:) face(2,:) face(3,:)];
j = [face(2,:) face(3,:) face(1,:)];
s = [1:m 1:m 1:m];
[B,I,J] = unique([i.' j.'],'rows');
i = B(:,1).';
j = B(:,2).';
s = s(I);
A = sparse(i,j,s,n,n); 

[i,j,s1] = find(A);     % direct link
[i,j,s2] = find(A');    % reverse link

I = find( (s1>0) + (s2>0) == 2 );

% links edge->faces
E = [s1(I) s2(I)];
i = i(I); j = j(I);
% only directed edges
I = find(i<j);
E = E(I,:);
i = i(I); j = j(I);
ne = length(i); % number of directed edges

% normalized edge
e = vertex(:,j) - vertex(:,i);
d = sqrt(sum(e.^2,1));
e = e ./ repmat(d,3,1);
% avoid too large numerics
d = d./mean(d);

% normals to faces
[tmp,normal] = compute_normal(vertex,face);

% inner product of normals
dp = sum( normal(:,E(:,1)) .* normal(:,E(:,2)), 1 );
% angle un-signed
beta = acos(clamp(dp,-1,1));
% sign
cp = crossp( normal(:,E(:,1))', normal(:,E(:,2))' )';
si = orient * sign( sum( cp.*e,1 ) );
% angle signed
beta = beta .* si;
% tensors
T = zeros(3,3,ne);
for x=1:3
    for y=1:x
        T(x,y,:) = reshape( e(x,:).*e(y,:), 1,1,ne );
        T(y,x,:) = T(x,y,:);
T = T.*repmat( reshape(d.*beta,1,1,ne), [3,3,1] );

% do pooling on vertices
Tv = zeros(3,3,n);
w = zeros(1,1,n);
for k=1:ne
%    progressbar(k,ne);
    Tv(:,:,i(k)) = Tv(:,:,i(k)) + T(:,:,k);
    Tv(:,:,j(k)) = Tv(:,:,j(k)) + T(:,:,k);
    w(:,:,i(k)) = w(:,:,i(k)) + 1;
    w(:,:,j(k)) = w(:,:,j(k)) + 1;
w(w<eps) = 1;
Tv = Tv./repmat(w,[3,3,1]);

% do averaging to smooth the field
options.niter_averaging = naver;
for x=1:3
    for y=1:3
        a = Tv(x,y,:);
        a = perform_mesh_smoothing(face,vertex,a(:),options);
        Tv(x,y,:) = reshape( a, 1,1,n );

% extract eigenvectors and eigenvalues
U = zeros(3,3,n);
D = zeros(3,n);
for k=1:n
    if verb==1
    [u,d] = eig(Tv(:,:,k));
    d = real(diag(d));
    % sort acording to [norma,min curv, max curv]
    [tmp,I] = sort(abs(d));    
    D(:,k) = d(I);
    U(:,:,k) = real(u(:,I));

Umin = squeeze(U(:,3,:));
Umax = squeeze(U(:,2,:));
Cmin = D(2,:)';
Cmax = D(3,:)';
Normal = squeeze(U(:,1,:));
Cmean = (Cmin+Cmax)/2;
Cgauss = Cmin.*Cmax;

% enforce than min<max
I = find(Cmin>Cmax);
Cmin1 = Cmin; Umin1 = Umin;
Cmin(I) = Cmax(I); Cmax(I) = Cmin1(I);
Umin(:,I) = Umax(:,I); Umax(:,I) = Umin1(:,I);

% try to re-orient the normals
normal = compute_normal(vertex,face);
s = sign( sum(Normal.*normal,1) ); 
Normal = Normal .* repmat(s, 3,1);

function z = crossp(x,y)
% x and y are (m,3) dimensional
z = x;
z(:,1) = x(:,2).*y(:,3) - x(:,3).*y(:,2);
z(:,2) = x(:,3).*y(:,1) - x(:,1).*y(:,3);
z(:,3) = x(:,1).*y(:,2) - x(:,2).*y(:,1);

To compile this lib, we should download the FLTK package first. And I download this version

Then, complie the QSlim as follows:

compile the libgfx first:

cd libgfx
./configure CXXFLAGS='-fpermissive'
cd ../mixkit/

make -C src

cd ../tools/qslim

At last we should put the qslim file into the working directory folder to run the mesh saliency codes.

And modify the perform_mesh_simplification.m file
in line 26 to system([’./qslim -o tmp1.smf -t ‘ num2str(nface) ‘ tmp.smf’])

Besides, I find that the vertices and face after the read_mesh function should be transpose first to construct the struct. As the follows:

%% modify the piplineDemo
fileName = '/home/hejw005/Documents/vpDataSet/kxm/model/models/';

nface = 15000;
[vertex,face] = read_mesh(fileName);

vertex = vertex';
face = face';

if numel(face)/3 > nface
    [vertex,face] = perform_mesh_simplification(vertex,face,nface);

Mesh.v = vertex;
Mesh.f = face;

[meshSaliency, az, el] = meshSaliencyPipeline(Mesh);

fprintf('az=%d, el=%d;n', az, el);
renderMesh(Mesh, meshSaliency, az, el);