sarah’s world

Time flows so fast when you get busy. It seems that I haven’t lost anything but I actually have lost many things already.

I would really appreciate the chance God offers to me to meet each interesting person.

Mr Zhao is a really gentleman, he is as old as my father, but his wife is only 29 years old this year. Actually, I have met him last year somehow in Beijing, but he forgot and I would never mention that again. These days I met him again by coincide, and his wife for the very first time.

He is super rich, but he is super sick too; From this, you will see how important health is to one person, no matter how rich you are. The best wealth you could have is simply good physcial condition.I took him to hospital, he was lying there in the bed, calmly tell me and the doctor that he had done this continuously for 12 years, 3 times each week, 4 hours per time. My heart was partly broken, it is not broken for someone I love in a romantic way but a sympathy to a very rich man in front me. How poor he is, except money, he has nothing!!