google scholar alerts

Here is some information about how to get up-to-date alerts from Google Scholar or Web of Knowledge.

  • You can use Google scholar alerts to track the citation of your own and other’s publications. Here is a tutorial of how to set the alerts. This post also gives information about similar settings in Web of Knowledge.

  • If you just want to receive information of newly published papers regularly, say once a week, follow the instruction posted here. In order to make your query more accurate, you can use google search operators, which can be found here. For example, you can use OR between two words to match either of them, while you can use - to exclude a word. And you can use “” to do exact matching.

  • Another direct way to create google alerts can be found here. By simply typing the phrases in the google scholar search box and you will find an envelope icon on the left site, then click that icon, you create the alterts.