generator – regionals 2015 asia-hangzhou


We generate a random string by generating a sequence of random characters and concatenating them together. Each character is chosen independently from the first n letters in the English alphabet with equal probability. Only capital letters are used in this problem. The generation is stopped as soon as a specific pattern occurs in the random string. Your task is to predict the expected length of the generated string.


  • 1 <= T <= 10.
  • 1 <= n <= 26.
  • The length of any pattern will not exceed 12.


  • For any string S, define the function state(S) as the maximal length of the prefix of pattern which is also a suffix of the current string at the same time.
  • If the pattern has length L, then the state of any string is a number between 0 and L.
  • We know that L is a final state.
  • Let’s define f[i] as the expected number of steps from state i to state L.
  • Then we have f[i] = 1+ 1/n(f[a(1,1)]+f[a(1,2)]+…+f[a(1,n)]), where a(i,j) is the state of the new string after concatenating the current string and the j-th letter together.
  • Thus, the answer is f[0].


  • We can use brute-force to compute a(i,j).